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  • 1.  Masking support for PostgreSQL in AZURE

    Posted 01-10-2020 05:10:00 AM
    HI Everyone,

    I found support matrix for PostgreSQL RDS databases in AWS, but no information about PostgreSQL RDS in Azure.

    Is there support for masking PostgreSQL RDS in Azure like in AWS ?


    Marcin Kwasninski
    Technical Principal
    Spica Solutions

  • 2.  RE: Masking support for PostgreSQL in AZURE
    Best Answer

    Posted 01-12-2020 10:12:00 PM

    PostgresSQL RDS is an AWS product, as such that is not available on Azure. If you are asking if you can connect and mask an AWS Postgres RDS database from a Delphix Masking Engine in Azure, as long as you have connectivity from the Azure Masking engine to the AWS PostgresSQL RDS database I believe it should work fine, however latency would need to be taken into account.

    Matt Watson
    Senior Member of Technical Staff

  • 3.  RE: Masking support for PostgreSQL in AZURE

    Posted 01-13-2020 06:55:00 AM
    HI Matt,

    I wrote my question imprecisely. I meant Azure Database for PostgreSQL in Azure, and the ability to mask it with Delphix Masking.


    Marcin Kwasninski
    Technical Principal
    Spica Solutions

  • 4.  RE: Masking support for PostgreSQL in AZURE

    Posted 01-15-2020 01:35:00 PM
    Hi Marcin, 

    Azure Database for PostgreSQL has not currently been certified. That being said, we can investigate certification in the short term. Please send me an email at and we can explore. 



    Alexandros Mathopoulos
    Product Manager 2