After omitting -filename, and specifying the DelphixOS version as -osname, our commands are working as expected.
Paychex, Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 01-05-2024 03:07:52 AM
From: Matt Watson
Subject: correct osname for dx_ctl_engine_upgrade commands
I think osname is only required after you have already uploaded the upgrade image,
so you would do:
- Upload the image with:
./dx_ctl_engine_upgrade -engine <engine name> -action upload -filename 'Delphix_7.0.0.0_2023-01-10-09-46_Standard_Upgrade.tar'
- Verify the image with:
./dx_ctl_engine_upgrade -engine <engine name> -action verify -osname
- Apply the image with:
./dx_ctl_engine_upgrade -engine <engine name> -action apply -osname
Matt Watson
Original Message:
Sent: 01-04-2024 07:32:59 PM
From: Kyle Sweers
Subject: correct osname for dx_ctl_engine_upgrade commands
Thanks for the response Matt, I appreciate it!
I am not quite following what you're suggesting to test. Our problem is that we don't know what value to pass for "osname" parameter in the dxtoolkit command. Here is the command we are passing:
"./dx_ctl_engine_upgrade -engine <engineName> -action verify -filename 'Delphix_7.0.0.0_2023-01-10-09-46_Standard_Upgrade.tar' -osname ubuntu -debug"
...and here is the error:
"Version ubuntu not foundVersion with osname ubuntu not found in Delphix Engine. Apply will not be performed"
We have tried several values for osname, to no avail, so there is where we need some guidance.
Our engines are on version so our upgrade path is -> 7.0 -> 18.0
Kyle Sweers
Database Engineer
Paychex, Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 01-04-2024 05:18:58 PM
From: Matt Watson
Subject: correct osname for dx_ctl_engine_upgrade commands
I don't have a dxtoolkit environment setup at the moment to test this, however I believe this is the Delphix version you wish to upgrade to, eg "", "", etc. Can you try that and see if it works as expected?
Matt Watson
Original Message:
Sent: 01-04-2024 04:53:26 PM
From: Kyle Sweers
Subject: correct osname for dx_ctl_engine_upgrade commands
We are attempting to use the dxtoolkit to upgrade our virtualization engines. As part of the upgrade process we are using the verify and apply action, but cannot determine the correct -osname to provide. The guest OS of the VM is Ubuntu Linux 64-bit. What should we be passing as osname in this case?
The wiki page for dx_ctl_engine_upgrade does have a header for examples, but is empty. It would be helpful if there were a few example commands provided.
Kyle Sweers