DCT does not expose any information about self-service/jetstream containers. Instead, many of the self-service/jetstream capabilities can be implemented directly in DCT (with bookmarks, VDB groups, ...), using standard (non self-service) VDBs. Feel free to request a meeting with DCT's product management team if you want to know more about this option.
W.r.t to the parent-child relationship, it depends on how you are using DCT and what you are trying to achieve. For instance the VDBs API has "parent_id" and "parent_dsource_id" attributes which indicate the immediate parent and root dsource of a VDB. Alternatively, the VDB inventory report (API or UI) has the parent_id and parent_name for a VDB.
Eyal Kaspi
Principal Engineer
Original Message:
Sent: 06-29-2023 06:16:58 AM
From: Pankaj Asegaonkar
Subject: Data Control Tower - How to get the list of Self service databases from DCT
Hello team
We have 30 Delphix engines, we have DCT installed on open shift we have configured all Delphix and masking engines on it.
Kindly let me know if I would like to extract only self-service or container databases or jet stream databases then how can I take the list of those databases from DCT?
Is there any functionality available in DCT?
Also, How can we see the parent-child relationship for the VDB in DCT?
Pankaj Asegaonkar
Delphix masking analyst