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  • 1.  Data Control Tower - How to get the list of Self service databases from DCT

    Posted 06-29-2023 06:17:00 AM

    Hello team 

    We have 30 Delphix engines, we have DCT installed on open shift we have configured all Delphix and masking engines on it.

    Kindly let me know if I would like to extract only self-service or container databases or jet stream databases then how can I take the list of those databases from DCT?

    Is there any functionality available in DCT?

    Also, How can we see the parent-child relationship for the VDB in DCT?

    Pankaj Asegaonkar
    Delphix masking analyst

  • 2.  RE: Data Control Tower - How to get the list of Self service databases from DCT

    Posted 06-29-2023 06:36:00 AM


    DCT does not expose any information about self-service/jetstream containers. Instead, many of the self-service/jetstream capabilities can be implemented directly in DCT (with bookmarks, VDB groups, ...), using standard (non self-service) VDBs. Feel free to request a meeting with DCT's product management team if you want to know more about this option.

    W.r.t to the parent-child relationship, it depends on how you are using DCT and what you are trying to achieve. For instance the VDBs API has "parent_id" and "parent_dsource_id" attributes which indicate the immediate parent and root dsource of a VDB. Alternatively, the VDB inventory report (API or UI) has the parent_id and parent_name for a VDB.


    Eyal Kaspi
    Principal Engineer

  • 3.  RE: Data Control Tower - How to get the list of Self service databases from DCT

    Posted 06-29-2023 09:04:00 AM

    Hello Pankaj-

    You may also wish to review the following blog post, which discusses the process of migration from Self Service to DCT.

    Sean Nothdurft
    Senior Principal Technical Support Engineer