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  • 1.  Delphix Masking - Teradata JDBC driver

    Posted 07-14-2023 04:24:00 AM

    Hello All, 

    Could you please guide me to get the JDBC driver and class name for the Teradata?

    To connect to Teradata database using delphix we need Teradata JDBC driver and Class name.

    I have tried to download it from below URL but its not working 

    Central Repository: com/teradata/jdbc/terajdbc/ (

    Class name used: 

    com.ncr.teradata.TeraDriver and com.teradata.jdbc.TeraDriver

    Pankaj Asegaonkar
    Masking/Virtualization Specialist
    +91 9689996500

  • 2.  RE: Delphix Masking - Teradata JDBC driver

    Posted 07-14-2023 04:42:00 AM

    Hi Pankaj,

    The correct class seems to be com.teradata.jdbc.TeraDriver. Did you include the driver in a .zip file? Unfortunately the image is broken and I can't see the error received, so providing general advice.

    Sandro Latini
    Senior Principal Support Engineer

  • 3.  RE: Delphix Masking - Teradata JDBC driver

    Posted 07-14-2023 05:25:00 AM

    Hello Sandro,

    Thanks a lot for the Quick replay..!
    I will explain the steps that I have followed.

    Downloaded JDBC driver "terajdbc-" from Central Repository: com/teradata/jdbc/terajdbc/ (

    Zipped the .jar file and saved it to Zip folder

    Login to masking engine > Setting > Upload JDBC Driver > select ZIP file and enter Class name com.ncr.teradata.TeraDriver and com.teradata.jdbc.TeraDriver


    Driver class name specified is not present in the uploaded file.

    I would to understand JDBC driver that I have used is it correct or not ?

    Could you please share URL or zip file for teradata JDBC driver, so I can test with that

    Pankaj Asegaonkar
    Masking/Virtualization Specialist
    +91 9689996500

  • 4.  RE: Delphix Masking - Teradata JDBC driver
    Best Answer

    Posted 07-14-2023 07:35:00 AM

    Hi Pankaj,

    I believe I see two errors in the screenshot attached.

    The class name seems to have a space between jdbc. TeraDriver but, more importantly, you are using the wrong driver.

    The file to download is terajdbc- I normally confirm if any JDBC driver works outside of Delphix using a JDBC enabled tool, like Dbvisualizer, Dbeaver or even Oracle SQL developer has this capability.

    I am able to upload the driver with the setting above, I hope it helps.

    Sandro Latini
    Senior Principal Support Engineer

  • 5.  RE: Delphix Masking - Teradata JDBC driver

    Posted 07-17-2023 01:36:00 AM

    Hi Pankaj,

    Below will help you to achieve Teradata masking using Delphix:

    JDBC driver can be downloaded from the official Teradata Website –

    Class name: come.teradata.jdbc.TeraDriver

    JDBC URL: jdbc:teradata://,LOGMECH=LDAP

    database=Name of the database that you need to mask
    LOGMECH=LDAP, this is configured in url as we are using LDAP authentication. This is not needed otherwise.

    Teradata Masking is similar to masking other relational data sources but not identical. The Delphix Masking engine supports dropping of indices, triggers and constraints for Oracle & MSSQL but not for Teradata. It is recommended that these be dropped in a pre-script and rebuilt in a post-script as part of masking process.

    Additionally, Teradata-Delphix does not support inplace masking and hence you will see your masking job getting stucked at commitsize-1. Therefore, you need to use inplace masking.

    Bhupinder Kwatra

    Bhupinder Kwatra
    Senior System Engineer
    Delphix Community Members