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  • 1.  import LDAP certificate

    Posted 04-27-2023 09:49:00 AM

    Hello All, 

    is there any way to import LDAP server's certificate through API/CLI.

    Vijayender Singidi

  • 2.  RE: import LDAP certificate
    Best Answer

    Posted 04-27-2023 10:42:00 AM

    Hello Vijayender-

    Yes, this can be done through API or CLI as desired.  There's a fetch subcommand under the system setup service/tls/caCertificate endpoint, which can be leveraged to collect this from an LDAP server.

    Through CLI:

    sean10.dcol2> /service/tls/caCertificate/fetch
    sean10.dcol2 service tls caCertificate fetch *> ls
        type: CertificateFetchParameters
        host: (required)
        port: (required)

    Through API, you can send a POST to  /resources/json/delphix/service/tls/caCertificate/fetch with payload containing host IP or hostname, and the port number; this is typically port 636 as standard for LDAPS:

        "type": "CertificateFetchParameters",
        "host": "",
        "port": 636

    I hope this helps!

    Sean Nothdurft
    Senior Principal Technical Support Engineer