Tino's suggestion would be most performant, but I understand that you can't create objects in prod (neither can I). My suggestion is to get familiar with the /table-metadata API endpoint. You can programmatically update the where clause for each batch.
- Read batch of IDs from file
- Form new where clause
- Send updated where clause with PUT /table-metadata/{table-id}
- Call masking job
- Check for success
- ... and loop until you've processed all IDs
Kevin Bott
Sr. Database Architect
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company
Original Message:
Sent: 03-28-2024 02:55:07 PM
From: Chandrapalred Borra
Subject: Delphix Masking Where clause List
Hi, I need to pull only some data from Prod to Test and I am able to apply where clause filter for that in custom sql. However, I have requirement to pull thousands of ID's, which I need to continuously update each time I run the job. Is there a option to configure a lookup file/List for where clause, basically parametrizing it. I am not allowed to create objects in Prod on the Database side.
Chandrapalred Borra
TDM Engineer
HCL America Inc.