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Masking Json data in Aurora PostGresql table

  • 1.  Masking Json data in Aurora PostGresql table

    Posted 03-07-2024 04:10:00 PM

    I have a text field/column with json data and need to mask FN, LN, SSN.. inside it


    Col1: FirstName (varchar)

    Col2: LastName (varchar)

    Col3: Text having json like sample below

       "name" : {
                  "first" : "EX",
                  "middle" : "",
                  "last" : "JOHNY",
                  "suffix" : "PK.",
                  "prefix" : "Mr."


    I need to mask above First and Last name fields same as other columns Col1 and Col2.

     The json array/text field is very big (2356787878), I just mentioned sample object of it.

    Any way to achieve this using Delphix..

    Chandrapalred Borra
    TDM Engineer
    HCL America Inc.

  • 2.  RE: Masking Json data in Aurora PostGresql table

    Posted 03-08-2024 12:47:00 AM

    You can easily achieve this by applying a file-format to the Col3 column of your table.

    Please look at manage inventories > Document Store Type masking.

    First you create a file-format of type JSON by uploading a JSON example that contains all nodes that might exist in the JSON document hierarchy.

    in the table inventory then select Data Model : Structured and Document Store Type : JSON and from select-file-format : choose your uploaded file-format

    Below is a screenshot of inventory edit dialog (in that case for XML but same exists for JSON)

    Tino Pironti
    Masking SME
    Technical Manager

  • 3.  RE: Masking Json data in Aurora PostGresql table

    Posted 03-13-2024 11:35:00 AM

    Hi @Tino Pironti, This worked for a json file having same format. However, I have json data in the same text field, which is not same everytime, I have nested array's in some rows, which also has PII information, which I need to Mask. Can this be achieved with one fileformat:

    Ex: nested: Array ['0'] doesn't exist for 1st and 3rd record...

    one record: $['request']['products']['nationalCreditFile']['inquiryNationalCreditFile'][*]['searchBy']['subjects']['primarySubject']['ref']['name']['first']

    another record: $['request']['products']['nationalCreditFile']['inquiryNationalCreditFile'][*]['searchBy']['subjects']['0']['primarySubject']['ref']['name']['first']

    third record: $['request']['products']['nationalCreditFile']['inquiryNationalCreditFile'][*]['searchBy']['subjects']['1']['primarySubject']['ref']['name']['first']

    Chandrapalred Borra
    TDM Engineer
    HCL America Inc.

  • 4.  RE: Masking Json data in Aurora PostGresql table
    Best Answer

    Posted 03-13-2024 12:13:00 PM

    You would need to create as FILE-FORMAT one json file that has ALL json hierarchies you need to mask. 

    In technical sense the FILE-FORMAT is used to render the screen ... and only what you can see you can configure.

    Unfortunately in json is no option to use something alike a wildcard.

    (for XML we have a special plugin that uses XPATH language with all xpath options like wildcards etc. but nothing alike in JSON logic)

    Tino Pironti
    Masking SME
    Technical Manager

  • 5.  RE: Masking Json data in Aurora PostGresql table

    Posted 03-13-2024 12:43:00 PM

    Thanks, I will keep adding my json paths to the same file format and see, how it goes..

    Chandrapalred Borra
    TDM Engineer
    HCL America Inc.

  • 6.  RE: Masking Json data in Aurora PostGresql table

    Posted 03-21-2024 03:38:00 PM

    Hi, I am able to mask the JSON data in the text field using the fileformat approach. I have other challenge, where I need to mask DOB, where the dob column is storing dateformat: yyyy-mm-dd , but the text column has Json data like below: 

            "dob" : {
              "year" : 1945,
              "month" : 7,
              "day" : 9

    I tried datashift Algorithm with days shifted on the date column and applied same algorithm to day (xpath), seeing below error:

    algorithm DOB_Shift: Could not convert value of type LONG to type LOCAL_DATE_TIME required for masking
    The top nonconforming data samples were:

    Can you please help How can I achieve this consistent masking ?

    Chandrapalred Borra
    TDM Engineer
    HCL America Inc.

  • 7.  RE: Masking Json data in Aurora PostGresql table

    Posted 03-21-2024 03:58:00 PM
    Edited by Michael Torok 03-21-2024 04:02:32 PM
    You cannot apply a date algorithm > those json nodes are separate fields. 
    Your only only masking option is to use an SecureLookup or Mapping for the DD part field using a list with values 1 to 28 (as those values exist in any month)

  • 8.  RE: Masking Json data in Aurora PostGresql table

    Posted 04-04-2024 11:12:00 AM

    Hi, I have a follow up question on this topic:

    When I am masking the JSON data which is stored in varchar(8128) field, using unstructured JSON fileformat is converting data to JSON format and when trying to insert that data back to varchar(8128), I am seeing error due to length.

    *Is there any option to avoid this, maybe: converting JSON back to String/plainText to Insert ? 

    *I tried trimming in the select query, that is inserting the data but that is breaking the fileformat and I see data is not getting masked.

    DelphixTableInsert.0 - }') was aborted: ERROR: value too long for type character varying(8128) Call getNextException to see other errors in the batch

    Chandrapalred Borra
    TDM Engineer
    HCL America Inc.

  • 9.  RE: Masking Json data in Aurora PostGresql table