Delphix Toolkits (dxToolkit and dxmToolkit)

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  • 1.  Getting error while trying to list the dsources in a delphix engine

    Posted 05-28-2024 11:02:00 AM

    Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /tmp/par-6f7261636c65/cache-e0d5ca5054e18e07258ea82aa9bf569a1afbc295/inc/lib/ line 988.
    Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /tmp/par-6f7261636c65/cache-e0d5ca5054e18e07258ea82aa9bf569a1afbc295/inc/lib/ line 988.
    Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /tmp/par-6f7261636c65/cache-e0d5ca5054e18e07258ea82aa9bf569a1afbc295/inc/lib/ line 988.
    Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /tmp/par-6f7261636c65/cache-e0d5ca5054e18e07258ea82aa9bf569a1afbc295/inc/lib/ line 988.
    Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /tmp/par-6f7261636c65/cache-e0d5ca5054e18e07258ea82aa9bf569a1afbc295/inc/lib/ line

    Syed Rahil Akil Shahi
    Delphix Community Members

  • 2.  RE: Getting error while trying to list the dsources in a delphix engine

    Posted 05-28-2024 04:27:00 PM

    Hello Syed,

    We do not have a enough information here to tell what may be causing the error with your script.

    Are you able to directly execute the dxtoolkit command to list VDBs and verify this returns results your script expects?  The command to run is covered here:

    Newton Nyante
    Senior Technical Support Engineer

  • 3.  RE: Getting error while trying to list the dsources in a delphix engine

    Posted 05-29-2024 04:29:00 AM

    Hi Newton , Thank you for your reply . the contents of is as below.

    #printf "$PRINTFORMAT" "======" "=========" "============" "=================" "=========" "=======" "======="
    /app/dba/public/delphix/dxtoolkit-2.4.13/dxtoolkit2/dx_get_dsourcesize -format csv | grep -i dtraflocodel|column -t -s ","


    Syed Rahil Akil Shahi
    Delphix Community Members

  • 4.  RE: Getting error while trying to list the dsources in a delphix engine

    Posted 05-29-2024 06:48:00 AM

    Hi Newton , tried the below command but still getting some errors.

    Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /tmp/par-6f7261636c65/cache-e0d5ca5054e18e07258ea82aa9bf569a1afbc295/inc/lib/ line 1059.
    Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /tmp/par-6f7261636c65/cache-e0d5ca5054e18e07258ea82aa9bf569a1afbc295/inc/lib/ line 1059.
    Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /tmp/par-6f7261636c65/cache-e0d5ca5054e18e07258ea82aa9bf569a1afbc295/inc/lib/ line 1059.
    Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /tmp/par-6f7261636c65/cache-e0d5ca5054e18e07258ea82aa9bf569a1afbc295/inc/lib/ line 1059.
    Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /tmp/par-6f7261636c65/cache-e0d5ca5054e18e07258ea82aa9bf569a1afbc295/inc/lib/ line 1059.
    Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /tmp/par-6f7261636c65/cache-e0d5ca5054e18e07258ea82aa9bf569a1afbc295/inc/lib/ line 1059.
    Use of uninitialized value in printf at /tmp/par-6f7261636c65/cache-e0d5ca5054e18e07258ea82aa9bf569a1afbc295/inc/lib/ line 131.
    Use of uninitialized value in printf at /tmp/par-6f7261636c65/cache-e0d5ca5054e18e07258ea82aa9bf569a1afbc295/inc/lib/ line 131.
    Use of uninitialized value in printf at /tmp/par-6f7261636c65/cache-e0d5ca5054e18e07258ea82aa9bf569a1afbc295/inc/lib/ line 131.
    Use of uninitialized value in printf at /tmp/par-6f7261636c65/cache-e0d5ca5054e18e07258ea82aa9bf569a1afbc295/inc/lib/ line 131.
    Use of uninitialized value in printf at /tmp/par-6f7261636c65/cache-e0d5ca5054e18e07258ea82aa9bf569a1afbc295/inc/lib/ line 131.
    Use of uninitialized value in printf at /tmp/par-6f7261636c65/cache-e0d5ca5054e18e07258ea82aa9bf569a1afbc295/inc/lib/ line 131.
    dtraflocodel99       NA                   DBA002_01                      DBA_TEST_SOURCE dSource                                 N/A                                 27.27      RUNNING    enabled    N/A                            N/A                                      
    dtraflocodel99       NA                   DBA005                         DBA_TEST_SOURCE dSource                                 N/A                                 3.27       RUNNING    enabled    N/A                            N/A                                      
    dtraflocodel99       NA                   DBA007                         DBA_TEST_SOURCE dSource                                 N/A                                 2.97       RUNNING    enabled    N/A                            N/A                                      

    Syed Rahil Akil Shahi
    Delphix Community Members

  • 5.  RE: Getting error while trying to list the dsources in a delphix engine

    Posted 05-29-2024 08:55:00 AM
    Edited by Neal Stack 05-29-2024 08:56:19 AM


    What version of dxtoolkit are you using?

    I suspect that there is a bug in dxtoolkit when there are dSources that are detached/unlinked and the "dx_get_dsourcesize" command returns "NA". You could try filtering specific dSources by name to find out which one(s) are causing the issue.

    Another customer had the same issue here ( ).

    I think a bug should be raised against dxtoolkit by clicking the "New Issue" button on the following link and provide all the relevant information:




    Neal Stack
    Senior Principal Technical Support Engineer

  • 6.  RE: Getting error while trying to list the dsources in a delphix engine

    Posted 05-29-2024 09:18:00 AM

    Hi Neal,

    I am using dxtoolkit-2.4.13

    Syed Rahil Akil Shahi
    Delphix Community Members

  • 7.  RE: Getting error while trying to list the dsources in a delphix engine

    Posted 05-29-2024 10:26:00 AM


    That is a very old release. It was released in September 2021.

    You could try the latest release ( ) but I am fairly certain that this is a bug that has not been fixed yet.



    Neal Stack
    Senior Principal Technical Support Engineer

  • 8.  RE: Getting error while trying to list the dsources in a delphix engine

    Posted 05-29-2024 10:32:00 AM

    Hi Neal, can you please help me in installing the new version , I have downloaded the below version and do not know how to install.

    drwxr-xr-x. 2 oracle dba        0 Apr  7  2023 dxtoolkit2
    -rwxrwxr--. 1 oracle dba 10151469 May 29 14:36 dxtoolkit2-v2.4.19.2-redhat8-installer.tar.gz
    drwxr-xr-x. 2 oracle dba        0 May 29 14:54 bin
    dx_toolkit- ]$ cd dxtoolkit2
    dxtoolkit2 ]$ ls -ltr
    total 12960
    -rwxrwxr--. 1 oracle dba 13265577 Apr  7  2023 runner
    -rwxrwxr--. 1 oracle dba     1571 Apr  7  2023
    dxtoolkit2 ]$

    Syed Rahil Akil Shahi
    Delphix Community Members

  • 9.  RE: Getting error while trying to list the dsources in a delphix engine

    Posted 18 days ago

    Hi Syed, 
    I'm sure you have this covered by now, but to install the toolkit, you would execute the file. It is a shell file that will install the toolkit.

    For more info, you may find this helpful:


    Michael Torok
    Digital Customer Experience, Senior Director