Join us for a virtual meetup with our product leaders! Explore how our unique compliance capabilities address the challenges of developing and modernizing applications in multicloud environments. In these environments, rapidly discovering and masking terabytes of sensitive data across...
Join @Robert Henning , a Principal Solutions Engineer demonstrate how to mask Dynamics 365 with Delphix Compliance Service for Azure Data Factory. During the presentation, he shows the constructed data flow which is also applicable to tens of thousands of combinations of sources and sinks...
Join @Jatinder Luthra as he demonstrates how to mask Parquet files residing in a data lake with Delphix Compliance Service for Azure Data Factory. During the presentation, he shows the constructed data flow within Azure Data Factory that was created to be both time and cost effective, only...
Join @David Wells for a look back at the features that were rolled into the last several releases of the Delphix Continuous Compliance Engine (formerly Masking Engine). He walks through features provided in 6.0.17 through those just released with MS IDP for ADF and Synapse. #hyperscale ...
Delphix Roadmap - 20221111DCC.mp4