The Delphix Select Connector for Salesforce is targeted at helping organizations manage sensitive Salesforce data between development environments, without inducing a trade-off between speed and compliance. Use this link to explore the documentation for the Salesforce Delphix Select Connector. ...
The Delphix Select Connector for SAP (on the Delphix Continuous Compliance platform) allows you to leverage relevant, fresh, and consistently scrambled data with referential integrity across all SAP and non-SAP environments and sources to meet ever-changing compliance and security requirements...
Use this link to explore the documentation for the Cockroach Delphix Select Connector. #cockroach #select connector #plugin
Use this link to explore the documentation for the MySQL (Linux) Delphix Select Connector. #mysql #linux #select connector #plugin
Use this link to explore the documentation for the MongoDB Delphix Select Connector. #mongodb #mongo #plugin #select connector
Use this link to explore the documentation for the Couchbase Delphix Select Connector. #couchbase #select connector #plugin
Use this link to explore the documentation for the Oracle Backup Ingestion (OBI) Delphix Select Connector. #OBI #oracle backup #select connector #plugin
Use this link to explore the documentation for the MSSQL Backup Ingestion Delphix Select Connector. #plugin #select connector #mssql backup #mssql