These tests were performed on a Exadata X2-2 Full Rack.
Delphix was using 10 vCPU’s and 110 GB of RAM and version
NOTE: HCC is supported on Exadata, ZFS ZS*, Pillar Axiom and Flash FS* storage.
We performed 2 tests:
• TEST 1: Check size and status of HCC compressed segments after virtualization in Delphix
• TEST 2: HCC segment status after virtual to physical
Here the details and conclusions of both tests:
TEST 1: Check size and status of HCC compressed segments after virtualization in Delphix
To do this test we played with a REAL database (bizd). The database size is 690GB and it’s running in an Exadata X2-2 Full Rack. We imported a FACT table from a DW called BMARK_COMP_ATTRIBUTION_FACT_2 (size ~107GB):
SQL> select sum(bytes)/1024/1024
from dba_segments
where owner='501677820'
and segment_name = 'BMARK_COMP_ATTRIBUTION_FACT_2';
We compressed this table for query high:
SQL> alter table BMARK_COMP_ATTRIBUTION_FACT_2 compress for query high;
Table altered.
SQL> alter table BMARK_COMP_ATTRIBUTION_FACT_2 move nologging parallel 32;
Table altered.
After compression, size was reduced to ~36GB:
SQL> select sum(bytes)/1024/1024
from dba_segments
where owner='501677820'
and segment_name = 'BMARK_COMP_ATTRIBUTION_FACT_2'; 2 3 4
After doing this compression, the size of the database in Exadata is ~690GB:
SQL> select (a.data_size+b.temp_size+c.redo_size+d.controlfile_size)/1024 "total_size in GB" from ( select sum(bytes)/1024/1024 data_size from dba_data_files) a,( select nvl(sum(bytes),0)/1024/1024 temp_size from dba_temp_files ) b,(select sum(bytes)/1024/1024 redo_size from sys.v_$log ) c,( select sum(BLOCK_SIZE*FILE_SIZE_BLKS)/1024/1024 controlfile_size from v$controlfile) d;
total_size in GB
We created a dSource from this database and we got a compression of 2.6:1 with a final size of ~215.05GB.
At this moment we provisioned a VDB called BIZDHCC and we tried querying HCC compressed data:
SQL> alter session set current_schema="501677820";
Session altered.
SQL> select count(*) from BMARK_COMP_ATTRIBUTION_FACT_2;
select count(*) from BMARK_COMP_ATTRIBUTION_FACT_2
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-12801: error signaled in parallel query server P007, instance dm02db08:BIZDHCC1 (1)
ORA-64307: hybrid columnar compression is not supported for tablespaces on this storage type
Size of the segment is still same size than in Exadata:
SQL> select sum(bytes)/1024/1024
from dba_segments
where owner='501677820'
and segment_name = 'BMARK_COMP_ATTRIBUTION_FACT_2';
2 3 4
We uncompressed the table to see if we can run queries out of Exadata:
SQL> alter table BMARK_COMP_ATTRIBUTION_FACT_2 nocompress;
Table altered.
SQL> alter table BMARK_COMP_ATTRIBUTION_FACT_2 move nologging parallel 16;
Table altered.
SQL> select sum(bytes)/1024/1024
2 from dba_segments
3 where owner='501677820'
4 and segment_name = 'BMARK_COMP_ATTRIBUTION_FACT_2';
SQL> select count(*) from BMARK_COMP_ATTRIBUTION_FACT_2;
After uncompressing the data, size is pretty much same size that it was in Exadata and data is available again for query.
TEST 1 conclusions:
- We can create a dSource from a database with HCC segments on it
- Delphix won’t require extra space to “store” HCC segments
- To query HCC in Delphix you have to uncompress the data or find the way to give the expected answer to the SNMP call that Oracle is making on startup to the storage (I don’t think this is legal)
TEST 2: HCC segment status after virtual to physical
Using same dSource that was used for TEST 1, we provisioned a VDB (BIZDHCC1) in an Exadatata node. This VDB has a table with Hybrid Columnar Compression for Query High:
SQL> select table_name , compression , compress_for from dba_tables where owner='501677820';
------------------------------ -------- ------------
Using Exadata as a Target to provision a VDB is not enough to be able to use HCC. Oracle will do a SNMP call to the storage to see if HCC will be available for use.
SQL> select * from "501677820".BMARK_COMP_ATTRIBUTION_FACT_2;
select * from "501677820".BMARK_COMP_ATTRIBUTION_FACT_2
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-12801: error signaled in parallel query server P011, instance (1)
ORA-64307: hybrid columnar compression is not supported for tablespaces on this storage type
Now we did a v2ASM, to put all data back into Exadata storage. We executed the script from the toolkit. Default temporary tablespace on this VDB was a bigfile, we changed it to a normal one because if you don’t do so the process will break when moving the tempfiles into ASM. Also as a note for this process, you need to export ORACLE_SID, ORACLE_HOME and CRS_HOME. Here the output of the process:
[oracle@dm02db08 BIZDHCC1]$ sh ./ -parallel 16 +RECO
Virtual-to-ASM script ( v1.6) for Delphix 4.x
Copyright (c) 2013, 2014 by Delphix. All rights reserved.
Moving database BIZDHCC to ASM: started at Wed Jul 8 15:21:59 EDT 2015
Verify the following settings...
db_unique_name => BIZDHCC
ORACLE_HOME => /u01/app/oracle/product/
Datafile diskgroup => +RECO
RMAN Channels => 16
Do you want to proceed (Y/[N]) => Y
Generate script to move tempfiles to ASM
Generate script to drop old tempfiles
Generate script to drop offline tablespaces
Generate script to make read-only tablespaces read-write
Make read-only tablespaces read-write
Remove offline tablespaces
Updating server parameter file with ASM locations
Move spfile to ASM
Move datafiles to ASM: started at Wed Jul 8 15:22:44 EDT 2015
Move datafiles to ASM: completed at Wed Jul 8 15:46:49 EDT 2015
Startup database with updated parameters
Move tempfiles into ASM
Move Online logs
Restore any read-only tablespaces
Remove old tempfiles
Shutdown database
Starting up RAC database BIZDHCC...
Database BIZDHCC moved to ASM: completed at Wed Jul 8 15:48:06 EDT 2015
Final Steps to complete the move to ASM:
1) Delete VDB on Delphix.
2) Modify initialization parameters to match source and restart.
Source parameters are restored at ./source_initBIZDHCC1.ora
After doing this process, HCC segment is again available for query:
SQL> select count(*) from BMARK_COMP_ATTRIBUTION_FACT_2;
TEST 2 conclusions:
- Using Exadata as a Target to provision a VDB is not enough to be able to use HCC. Oracle will do a SNMP call to the storage to see if HCC will be available for use. Only Exadata, ZS* and all Flash FS* arrays can use this feature.
- We can ingest HCC Data into Delphix and if we rehydrate it using virtual to ASM in a certified storage, data will be accessible again. In this particular client case this is good enough as they do functional test only with Delphix and after that, when they want to do performance they will do virtual to physical. They understand the process and for them is ok to see the ora error related with querying HCC because they know that data will be there after virtual to physical. Also is important to mention that you normally only use this type of compression on rarely accessed data, what is not normally used in a pure functional testing.