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Delphix Usage-Based Pricing Measurements

By Michael Torok posted 03-01-2024 10:49:16 AM


March 2024


The Delphix DevOps Data Platform leverages a usage-based pricing model. This usage-based price is dependent on the amount of data managed by Continuous Data, Continuous Compliance, and Hyperscale Compliance, measured in terabytes. This measurement guide will help determine per-terabyte usage across supported source data.  

Pursuant to Delphix’s pricing model, our customers may use our software and services without having to worry about the number of software instances running. With this pricing model, our customers can use and pay for only as much as is needed and deploy the software in whatever fashion deemed fit. 

Delphix prices are based on terabytes of source data managed by Continuous Data, Continuous Compliance, and Hyperscale Compliance. That is, the allocated, uncompressed size of the data as determined by each database platform. Pricing is determined by the source size (in TB units) such that any number of VDBs (virtual databases) or replica copies can be created. In subsequent sections, we document how to find this number in Continuous Data and Continuous Compliance software as well as queries that can be run on the source data type.

Sharing the Source Data Sizes with Delphix

We encourage you to leverage automated Delphix Phone Home reporting which shares the amount of data managed with Delphix as well as allows us to monitor your systems for existing or future faults. 


  1. Install supported versions of the Continuous Data, Continuous Compliance, or Hyperscale Compliance products.

    • Refer to our supported versions in KBA1003.

  2. Register each product.

    • Navigate to the Delphix Setup’s dashboard, view the “Registration” widget, and follow the provided directions.

  3. Enable Phone Home and (optionally) a Web Proxy

    • Navigate to the Delphix Setup’s dashboard, modify the “Outbound Connectivity” widget, and follow the provided directions.

Note: Hyperscale Compliance will utilize the Registration and Phone Home configuration through the Continuous Compliance connection.


  • “Continuous Data” allows for unlimited deployment of virtual and physical data copies of Source Data. The list of components associated with Continuous Data is provided at the following link:

  • “Continuous Compliance” includes (a) Standard Connectors that are then currently supported by Delphix as set forth in the Documentation; and (b) standard files that are then currently supported by Delphix as set forth in the Documentation. Select Connectors that are then currently supported by Delphix as set forth in the Documentation are licensed separately and will be at additional charge. The list of components associated with Continuous Compliance is provided at the following link:

  • “Files” means the files residing on any operating system Delphix then currently supports as set forth in the Documentation.

  • “Delphix Phone Home” means the Delphix Engine service will send information about itself to Delphix Support using HTTPS, on a periodic basis.

  • “Source Data(s)” means any supported databases or files that will be masked and/or copied.

  • “TB (Terabyte)” means the [raw size] of the original source data specified by the customer for consumption/usage prior to ingestion and compression in the software where the unit of measure is defined in terabytes. 1 TB (Terabyte) is defined as 1024 GB (Gigabyte). The Unit will always be measured in whole number(s). For example, if the Unit is measured as 10.1 TB, then it will be rounded up to 11 TB.

  • “Unit” means the number of TB purchased by the customer for use with the software license(s).

  • “Usage” means the total TB size of all source data managed by the Software as measured at the end of each calendar quarter to a whole number in Terabyte.

Product Details

The queries listed below can be used to determine the size of the source data. In many, but not all situations, the products will be able to report the size of the data source in-product. Each data source section below applies for Continuous Data, Continuous Compliance, and Hyperscale Compliance unless otherwise stated.

Source Data Measurements

Each source data has a unique mechanism for measuring usage. These are the queries we use in the product and can be executed against the data sources directly. 

IBM Db2 


From the iSeries system interface:

  1. Run the RTVDSKINF job to retrieve disk information 

  2. Run the PRTDSKINF RPTTYPE(*LIB) job to print the disk information as a report

  3. Pull from the produced report the TOTAL reported as "Size in 1000 bytes" just before "E N D O F L I S T I N G"


Run the following command to list the database size:

du --apparent-size



For IBM Db2 DPF databases the prefix db2_all is needed. The command must run on the originator node:

db2_all ""db2 call get_dbsize_info(?,?,?,1)""



When IBM Db2 tables are created on the mainframe they are stored in tablespaces housed in VSAM linear datasets.  These datasets are allocated on disk when the table/tablespace is created.  The disk allocation of the dataset (file) is usually in units of tracks or cylinders.  Z/OS disk capacity is measured in these units.  Each track contains approximately 56K bytes of usable storage.  3390 is the most common disk type.  See this conversion document to enable conversion from tracks and cylinders to bytes. 

By determining the number of tracks/cylinders allocated to the underlying files, conversion to bytes can be easily performed.  Most SysAdmins and DBAs will have processes for tracking and forecasting disk requirements for their IBM Db2 subsystems.  For those that do have a tool/method that tracks disk usage, the process below can be followed.  

  1. Determine naming convention for IBM Db2 VSAM files.  This information will be known by the IBM Db2 systems programmers and available through the ISPF option “DM”.  

  2. Execute IDCAMS “LISTCAT” via JCL or interactively via the ISPF catalog search facility.

  3. LISTCAT will produce details of the VSAM datasets including HI-ALLOCATED RBA which is the relative byte address of the allocated VSAM file (see below).  

  4. HI-U-RBA is the highly used relative byte address which is the number of bytes populated within the IBM Db2 VSAM file

  5. In the example below the number of bytes used by the file is 737280 bytes  


Note: The virtualization solution provided by PopUp Mainframe includes more than just the database. Follow the Unstructured Files directions for an accurate calculation.


Microsoft SQL Server

 When connected to SQL Server, please run the following to list database sizes for each instance: 

exec sp_spaceused

Share the `database_size` value.


MySQL / MariaDB

SELECT (data_length+index_length)/power(1024,4) as dbsize

FROM information_schema.tables

WHERE table_schema='<schema_name>';



Single Tenant

SELECT sum(bytes)/POWER(1024,4) as size_in_tb 

FROM (SELECT sum(bytes) AS bytes 

FROM v$datafile_header dh 

WHERE status <> 'OFFLINE' 

UNION SELECT MAX(block_size * file_size_blks) AS bytes FROM v$controlfile)


For multitenant databases, you will need to measure all Container Databases (CDBs) that will have at least one Pluggable Database (PDB).


For each CDB, please specify the root CDB ID, seed PDB ID, and all PDB IDs that will be used with Delphix. Enter these values as part of dh.con_id in (1,2, <list of PDB IDs>):

SELECT sum(bytes)/POWER(1024,4) as size_in_tb

FROM (SELECT sum(bytes) AS bytes

FROM v$datafile_header dh 

WHERE status <> 'OFFLINE' AND dh.con_id IN (1,2 <list of PDB IDs>) 

UNION SELECT MAX(block_size * file_size_blks) AS bytes FROM v$controlfile;

Note: dh.con_id values of 1 and 2 represent the root CDB and seed PDB, which will be included if that CDB is linked. All of the following IDs represent your PDBs.


Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS)

Consult the Oracle section to calculate the size of your Oracle Database. The size of the Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) Application Tier and DB Tech Stack are not included in Delphix’s usage-based pricing.

PostgreSQL / EnterpriseDB

For either the OID or database name, please run:






As an Admin, navigate to the Salesforce instance’s  “Settings” > “Storage Usage” dashboard. Share the “Data Storage - Used” value.


This step can be performed programmatically using the <SALESFORCE_API_URL>/services/data/v56.0/limits API and sharing the “DataStorageMB.Max” and “DataStorageMB.Remaining values.


Note: Delphix Compliance Service for Salesforce does not use Usage-Based pricing. Please consult your Delphix Account Team for more information.


SAP ASE (Sybase)

With the database selected, run the following:




Alternatively, to see the usage of all databases in an SAP ASE instance, connect to the ASE dataserver and run the following:





As the “system” user in the tenant:  

select v.service_name, v.volume_id, f.file_name, f.used_size, f.total_size

from m_volumes v, m_volume_files f

where v.volume_id = f.volume_id

and f.file_type = 'DATA'

order by v.volume_id;


Unstructured Files

Linux / Unix

Since support for virtual files is based on a directory of files, this query will check the contents of a given directory, `directory`, and return the directory’s total storage usage on the file system.

du -sh `directory`


Copy the data set objects from their native mainframe storage location to a z/OS UNIX System Services (USS) operating system, and then follow the instructions in the “Unstructured Files: Linux/Unix” section.


Support for virtual files is based on a directory of files. This query will check the contents of a given path to a directory, C:\Path\To\Directory, and return the directory’s total storage usage on the file system. With PowerShell:

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Path\To\Directory -Recurse | Measure-Object -Sum Length


Note #1: For the Continuous Compliance and Hyperscale Compliance Unstructured Files calculation, only the source data files should be included. Please ensure files not intended to be masked are removed or ignored from the folder sizing calculation.


Note #2: For the Continuous Data Unstructured File calculation, the size is not shown accurately in the UI.

#sizing #storage_usage

1 comment



03-14-2024 11:54:46 AM

Currently this guide does not cover the Delphix Compliance Services for Salesforce, Delphix Compliance Services for Azure, nor other SaaS-based pricing. We are compiling that information and will update this blog with a link to that document when it is complete.