Shell script.
a. ${dir}/dx_get_db_env -d <engine> -format csv > pre_snapshot.<engine>
b.. Loop through the command output file. Parse out the params you need by delimeter. (example while read -r line do echo "$line" done < pre_snapshot.<engine>)
c. Pass the parameters below per command within your loop. (enable/disable)
${dir}/dx_ctl_db -d $engine -dsource $source -parallel 6 -force onfaliure -action $opt
${dir}/dx_ctl_db -d $engine -name $source -parallel 6 -force onfaliure -action $opt
For maintenance & upgrades. I run a utility script same logic above when need to disable/enable ALL by appliance.
Original Message:
Sent: 08-23-2023 02:19:07 AM
From: Pankaj Asegaonkar
Subject: Do we have any option to stop all VDBs in delphix engine via GUI
Hello Joel,
Thank you for your reply...!
Yes I am using the same commands but I am doing it individually.
example: First get in CSV format , work on excel and make stop VDB commands and execute it in parallel.
./dx_ctl_db -d ENGINE -type vdb -action start -parallel 100 -name VDB &
./dx_ctl_db -d ENGINE -type vdb -action start -parallel 10 -name VDB &
However it will be great if you provide with the script, I will try to modify it as per our requirements.
Again Thank you for your help
Pankaj Asegaonkar
Masking/Virtualization Specialist
+91 9689996500
Original Message:
Sent: 08-22-2023 06:24:14 PM
From: Joel Zulueta
Subject: Do we have any option to stop all VDBs in delphix engine via GUI
Hi Pankaj,
disable/enable VDBs by Appliance. You can script it out using dxtoolkit commands.
1) Create current status pre snapshots (dx_get_db_env -d <engine> -format csv). Write to a file current status of dsource & VDBs. Status =RUNNING/NA/UNKNOWN)
# ALL STATUS # 1 VDB UNKNOWN 1 dSource NA 1 dSource UNKNOWN 2 detached NA# RUNNING STATUS # 155 VDB RUNNING 40 dSource RUNNING# ENABLED STATUS # 3 N/A 1 disabled 196 enabled> Total Rows 201
2) Script - Loop to your snapshot file. STATUS is RUNNING use dx_ctl_db (-dsource or -name) to -action disable
-dsource will disable the children vdbs
-name <dsource/vdb> will disable the dsource/vdb
3) To restore use dx_ctl_db -d <engine> -restore from your snapshot file (step 1). enable dsource/VDBs that were in RUNNING status pre-shutdown.
Hope this helps.
Joel Zulueta
IT Automation Developer
Allstate Insurance Company
Original Message:
Sent: 08-21-2023 07:20:54 AM
From: Pankaj Asegaonkar
Subject: Do we have any option to stop all VDBs in delphix engine via GUI
Thank you Darren for your quick response..!
Yes, currently we are using dxtoolkit command (using parallel) to stop VDBs.
Pankaj Asegaonkar
Masking/Virtualization Specialist
+91 9689996500
Original Message:
Sent: 08-21-2023 07:14:41 AM
From: Darren White
Subject: Do we have any option to stop all VDBs in delphix engine via GUI
Hi Pankaj,
At present it is not possible to stop all vDBs via the GUI with just one click and I would advise you use the dxtoolkit as you currently are to allow you to complete this action.
There is an open IDEA for this with our Engineering team but it is not currently available in the product and there is no time frame if or when it will be implemented into the product.
I have added your company to this open IDEA as an interested party in this feature.
I hope this helps.
Many Thanks
Darren white
Darren White
Principal Support
Original Message:
Sent: 08-21-2023 06:20:43 AM
From: Pankaj Asegaonkar
Subject: Do we have any option to stop all VDBs in delphix engine via GUI
Hello All,
Like refresh all enviornment is an option in delphix engine, just like that do have any option to stop all vdbs in one click ?
it will helps a lot, currently we have to use dxtoolkit commands or we need to stop each vdb via GUI
Pankaj Asegaonkar
Masking/Virtualization Specialist
+91 9689996500