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JSON Masking for Date Data Type and Array with nested objects

  • 1.  JSON Masking for Date Data Type and Array with nested objects

    Posted 07-25-2023 06:44:00 PM


    We are trying to mask a JSON file which is exported from MongoDB using mongoexport utility. The DOB is Date data type but getting the error message when running a masking job. 

    Column $['DateofBirth']['$date'] was not masked by Algorithm DateShiftDiscrete: Could not convert value of type String to type LOCAL_DATE_TIME required for masking 

    The top nonconforming data samples were"


    Also the Addresses field is in ARRAY Data type with 2 nested objects. 

    So the question is does Delphix Masking engine support JSON with Array and 2 nested objects and DOB with date type?

    Would appreciate your inputs and solutions if there is any documented steps to mask these types of fields. 


    Rajbir Singh

    Rajbir Singh
    TDM Engineer
    Inland Empire Health Plan

  • 2.  RE: JSON Masking for Date Data Type and Array with nested objects
    Best Answer

    Posted 07-26-2023 06:34:00 PM

    Hi Rajbir,

    Thanks for reaching out.

    The Non-Conforming Data indicates that the date looks something like this:



    The algorithm date format needs to match this (including the T and Z).

    Please try the following date format on the Inventory page (note, if different separators (-) is used please change accordingly):


    If this is not working - please raise a support ticket and support will help.

    Kind regards,


    Anders Karlsson
    Delphix Support