Join @Brian Muskoff and the product team as they review the product features that have shipped since May and through September of 2024. The total run time is approximately 50 minutes, with the Vision and Release Schedule taking the first 10 minutes; DCT with @Ross Millenacker starting at the...
Delphix Roadmap - What-sNew 2024.09.11.mp4
Join @Ross Millenacker for a look back at the features that were rolled into the last releases of the Delphix Data Control Tower. #DataControlTower #Data Control Tower #DCT #platform #r vid #governance
Delphix Roadmap - 20240521DCT.mp4
Join @David Wells for a look back at the features that were rolled into the last several releases of the Delphix Continuous Compliance Engine (formerly Masking Engine). #hyperscale #ContinuousComplianceEngine #platform #r vid #security
Delphix Roadmap - 20240521DCC.mp4
Join @Alberto Sigismondi for a look back at the features that were rolled into the last release of the Delphix Continuous Data Engine (formerly Virtualization Engine). #virtualization #ContinuousDataEngine #platform #r vid #appdev
Delphix Roadmap - 20240521DCD.mp4
Join @Brian Muskoff as he provides an overview of the product vision, the Delphix portfolio, and the release schedule for the Delphix DevOps Data Platform. #DevOpsDataPlatform #platform #r vid #security #appdev #governance #release schedule
Delphix Roadmap - 20240521VisionPortfolio&ReleaseCycle.mp4
Delphix Roadmap - 20240229VisionPortfolio&ReleaseCycle.mp4
Delphix Roadmap - 20240229DCT.mp4
Delphix Roadmap - 20240229DCC.mp4
Delphix Roadmap - 20240229DCD.mp4