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  • 1.  Alert Profile - Notification for job refresh

    Posted 04-08-2021 02:00:00 AM
    Is there a way to setup email alert when db refreshes?
    I managed to setup alert for informational but for each refresh it sends 4 alerts 
    3. DB_SYNC
    I would like to filter down to one for DB_REFRESH only but it seems like there is no filter on properties eventDescription.

    delphix alert profile > create
    delphix alert profile create * > ls
    set actions.0.type=AlertActionEmailUser
    set filterSpec.type=AndFilter
    set filterSpec.subFilters.0.type=SeverityFilter
    set filterSpec.subFilters.0.severityLevels.0=INFORMATIONAL
    set filterSpec.subFilters.1.type=EventFilter

    Lukasz Wasylo
    Community Member
    Baillie Gifford & Co,

  • 2.  RE: Alert Profile - Notification for job refresh
    Best Answer

    Posted 04-08-2021 02:18:00 AM
    Edited by Michael Torok 04-08-2021 09:09:57 AM
    Hello Lukasz,

    Unfortunately that functionality does not currently exist.
    There are existing requests for this functionality being considered by Engineering for implementation in future releases.
    I will add Baillie Gifford to the list of interested parties.

    However, you may find you can achieve it using Hooks. I've included the following as reference.

    Alternatively, using API.

    API Cookbook: List Alerts and List Jobs

    Best regards.

    Luke Moss
    Senior Support Engineer

  • 3.  RE: Alert Profile - Notification for job refresh

    Posted 04-08-2021 02:27:00 AM
    Hi Luke
    Thank you for quick reply.
    Please do add as to the list , this would be very usefull.


    Lukasz Wasylo
    Community Member
    Baillie Gifford & Co,

  • 4.  RE: Alert Profile - Notification for job refresh

    Posted 04-12-2021 08:28:00 AM
    If you're running SQL Server, you can potentially do this via PowerShell. Below is a sample of the code we use for this sort of email. We add this sort of thing to our VDBs under the Configure Clone hooks.

    #Run postscripts
    $postscript = "`"
    USE $database

    DECLARE @subject1 VARCHAR(200),
    @DatbaseName VARCHAR(200)
    SET @DatbaseName = DB_NAME()
    SET @subject1 = 'Delphix Restore has completed on '+ @@Servername +' database: '+ @DatbaseName
    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
    @profile_name = 'AGENT' ,
    @recipients = '' ,
    @subject = @subject1
    $cmd = "sqlcmd -S $server -Q $postscript -d $database -m -1 -I"
    Invoke-Expression $cmd

    Mark McKibben
    Senior Database Administrator
    United Fire Group